The Soquel Homesteaders Markets will happen every 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month from 11 am - 3 pm starting April 13th and running through December 14th.
The markets take place at 2505 South Main St. in the Soquel Creek Animal Hospital parking lot directly across from popular Beer Thirty and Sunny Side Produce in Soquel.
The Soquel Homesteaders Markets supports vendors of all good things!! We focus on promoting quality, natural, organic, and sustainable foods and products we feel good about offering the community.
We host vendors of locally grown produce, cottage industry foods, local meats, cheeses, ferments, natural products, homesteaders’ wares, arts and crafts, honey, candles, cloths, sweet treats, coffee and tea, health and wellness products, services, and practitioners, healers, spiritual endeavors, non-profits, schools, plants, flowers, seeds and herbs, jewelry, green living and up-cycled garage sale items.
Plus live music, food trucks, a gleaner's table with free local produce, a seed share/seed bank, and homesteading demos from 12 - 1 pm.
Follow on Instagram @soquel_homesteaders_market

Date and Time
Saturday Apr 27, 2024
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM PDT
2nd & 4th Saturday of the month
April - December, 2024
2505 S. Main St., Soquel
(Soquel Creek Animal Hospital parking lot)